Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tower of London Beefeaters suspended for bullying

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Teasing is often accepted in our culture. We have sayings such as sticks and stone will break our bones but names will never hurt us and I have heard people say they make fun of each other because they love them. The basic underlying meaning is that teasing is no big deal. But, it is. Teasing and bullying occurs from a very young age through adulthood. Recently it has come out that Moira Cameron, the first female yeoman warder at the Tower of London, was the victim of tireless bullying from several male colleagues.

Moira Cameron joining the ranks was supposed to be a positive story about women serving equally with men in an area that was before only for males. It was supposed to be about a society overcoming male supremacy and showing that women can accomplish anything too. But, that was not what happened. After joining Cameron was constantly verbally belittle by her male coworkers with comments such as that they were “against her doing the job” because she was a woman. They also defaced her uniform, left notes in her locker, and vandalized her Wikipedia page. This blatant display of sexism is unacceptable. Overtly displaying dissatisfaction with her goes beyond teasing. In the 21st century we like to think that we are past this and tell young girls that they can be anything. This story proves that even once a woman succeeds they still have to deal with obstacles and disadvantages such as harassment that impede progress and is demoralizing.

Some people, such as visitor Miles Gurrin, do not see the harm in what occurred. He said that “There is always teasing in the army. The army is known for this sort of thing. It’s not as if she is an outsider. She served in the army for 22 years, so she is one of them.” This kind of dismissive statement propagates the notion that it is okay to be sexist and say sexist comments because it is just teasing and women should have a thicker skin. This visitor is insinuating that if men can handle it why can’t she if she claims she is one of them and that there is no need for change since it is just is that way in the army.  Bullying is never okay and it is especially not okay to harass based on gender.

The staff at the Tower of London released a statement saying that it is “totally unacceptable” and two male warders have been suspended and another in under investigation. Moira Camerion says she still really likes her job and continues to actively work at the Tower. It is important that she continues to work and prove that she will not be scared away by ignorant co-workers. Her story can still be a positive one it just shows that perseverance is necessary and that we are not as accepting as we like to think we are as a society.

Tower of London Beefeaters suspended for bullying

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Moira Cameron


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